PhD Candidate
Tianjin University
Tianjin, China.
I'm now a third-year Ph.D. student at Tianjin University, and my adviser is Professor Changqing Zhang.
I received my M.E. degree from Tianjin University in 2021, and my B.E. degree from Dalian University of Technology in 2019. I'm now focusing on trustworthy artificial intelligence, including fairness and uncertainty in machine learning, trustworthy multimodal fusion and medical artificial intelligence.
Recent News:
[03/2023] One paper was accepted by CVPR 2023.
[09/2022] One paper was accepted by NeurIPS 2022.
[07/2022] One paper was accepted by IEEE TNNLS 2022.
[04/2022] One paper was accepted by IEEE TPAMI 2022.
[03/2022] Two papers were accepted by CVPR 2022.
[09/2021] One paper for "Trustworthy Multi-Modal Learning"
accepted to NeurIPS 2021.
[01/2021] One paper for "Uncertainty Estimation in Multi-View / Multi-Modal Learning"
accepted to ICLR 2021.
[12/2020] One paper for "Uncertainty in Multi-View Representation Learning"
accepted to AAAI 2020.
[07/2020] One paper for "Partial Multi-View Learning"
accepted to IEEE T-PAMI.
[09/2019] One paper for "Partial Multi-View Classification"
accepted to NeurIPS 2019 (Spotlight Paper) .